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The scripture you mentioned is 2 Timothy 4:13, "When you come, bring the cloak..."

Back to the podcast: Interestingly, I was just thinking this morning—how many believers get their Bibles and books out for a Bible study the way they would study for an exam?

Is studying only for pastors and teachers?

This thought came to mind because many of the young people I disciple have gone to university this year. I ask—will they study the Bible the way they study for physics? If not, why not? 1 Peter 1:10 talks about people searching intently and with great care. In the book of Acts, the Bereans studied diligently. Shouldn’t we be doing the same, or is studying only for pastors and teachers?

I also agree with you that Bible study should be communal to facilitate greater levels of understanding!

Thanks for the podcast.

God bless you

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