The longer I live, the more I understand God's holiness. That goes hand in hand with my maturing understanding of the horribleness of sin. Thank you for this essay on the topic. It is often avoided in the church to our detriment. I look forward to seeing you at the Red River encampment in New Mexico. I highly recommend this encampment to anyone within a day's drive of its beautiful location. It reminds me of the Yosemite and Lake Tahoe family encampments we attended for decades while living in California. We live in Colorado now and do our best to promote it to the church out here.
The longer I live, the more I understand God's holiness. That goes hand in hand with my maturing understanding of the horribleness of sin. Thank you for this essay on the topic. It is often avoided in the church to our detriment. I look forward to seeing you at the Red River encampment in New Mexico. I highly recommend this encampment to anyone within a day's drive of its beautiful location. It reminds me of the Yosemite and Lake Tahoe family encampments we attended for decades while living in California. We live in Colorado now and do our best to promote it to the church out here.
Thanks, Kevin! And I completely agree, Red River Family Encampment is amazing! One of my favorite weeks of the year!
Amen; great message.