Not every conversation about race and racism has to be heated or go to extremes. Just because someone believes there is a serious problem with racism in our culture does not mean that person has embraced a liberal political agenda, believes all white people are racist, or opposes law enforcement. Wouldn’t it be nice for Christians to be able to sit down and have a kind, loving, and reasonable conversation about race and racism? That’s what I hope this conversation will model.
The goal of this conversation is not to make anyone feel angry or feel guilty. The goal of this conversation is to model a healthy conversation, move towards better understanding, and promote unity and healing in the church.
Jacob Rutledge is the preacher for the Dripping Springs Church of Christ and Charles Smith is a member of that congregation. Charles has served as a deacon in several congregations and as an elder for the Dripping Springs Church of Christ. He worked in state government for more than thirty years, spent several years working in law enforcement, and even taught in a law enforcement academy.
I hope and pray this conversation is a blessing to many.