What does the Bible say about the roles of men and women in the public worship assembly? Wes McAdams again joins Lee...
The Roles of Men and Women in the Bible (Part 1)
What does the Bible say about the roles of men and women? That is the question Wes McAdams was invited to answer on...
The Theology of Potluck
The word “potluck” means exactly what it seems to mean, a meal of chance. You reach into the "pot" to retrieve some...
5 Tips for Participating in Online Worship
Because of the COVID-19 lockdown, many congregations have been forced to temporarily transition to live streaming...
Why We Need to Stop Telling People They’re Commanded to Give
I've heard it countless times, after a man tells the church the collection is, "separate and apart" from the Lord's...
Are We Giving Money “to God” on Sundays?
For decades there have been countless church arguments and even splits over how “the Lord’s money” can and cannot be...
Five Things I Love About Churches of Christ
I grew up in churches of Christ. I unapologetically claim them as my family. But as a millennial, I recognize that...
What Do You Do When Family Members Persist in Sin?
To be honest, I would rather not write this post, but it needs to be written. It needs to be written because this...
HEBREWS 10:25 RE-EXAMINED: Don’t Forsake the Assembly
Last week we started a series of posts in which we are re-examining well-known passages of Scripture. This week we...
6 Things Elders Can Do to Encourage Ministers
Over the last 16 years in ministry, I have served under the leadership of some wonderful elders. They have done so...
Do You Know Why the Church is Supposed to Sing?
It may seem strange to many people that we gather up on Sundays to sing songs. They may think, "I don't particularly...
3 Suggestions for the Lord’s Supper
When the Lord brought His people out of Egyptian bondage, He instituted a meal to remind them annually of what He had...