As a dad, I’ve told my sons countless times, “Say, thank you.” Often, I have to encourage them to repeat their thanks, with the instructions, “Say it like you mean it.” Although I can make them say it again with a more sincere tone, I can’t make them mean it. Obviously, there’s a very big difference between saying “thank you” and actually being grateful.
As adults, we often give thanks to God and to people, but I’m afraid we don’t always mean it. Our lips say we’re grateful, but our lives say we’re not. Many Christians are obviously dissatisfied and discontent. We gripe, we complain, and we nit-pick about the things we have and the people we know. Think about it, it’s very hard (if not impossible) to be a genuinely grateful person with a sour disposition.
If you’re not grateful for your spouse, imagine how hard it is to be married to you. If you’re not grateful to be employed, imagine how hard it is to be your boss. If you give your children the impression you’re not grateful that they’re yours, imagine how hard it is for them to obey and respect you.
Your gratitude, or lack thereof, is evident to everyone around you. Imagine how it might change your attitude, your home life, and your work life if you were to truly put on a heart of gratitude. Colossians 2:7 says that Christians should be “overflowing with gratitude.” After all, think of all we have to be thankful for in Christ!
So why don’t you take a moment to reflect on your many blessings, say “thank you,” and truly mean it.
I love you and God loves you,