Hope for the Future of Church Attendance

This is part one of our new series, “Hope for the Future of the Church.” In this episode, we will discuss why we should be hopeful about the future of church attendance.

About the Series: 

The pandemic, politics, and a rapidly changing culture have left a lot of Christians are feeling uncertain and anxious about the future of the church. This new series will explore the many reasons we have to be hopeful about the future. Make sure to subscribe in order to hear future episodes of this series.

About this Episode: 

Wes McAdams and Chris McCurley discuss how live-streaming has affected in-person services.

  • What are the positives and negatives of the situation in which we find ourselves today?
  • What are some of the biblical passages and biblical ideas that should shape our thinking on this issue?
  • Why should we be hopeful about the future of church attendance?

Chris McCurley is the preaching minister for the Oldham Lane Church of Christ in Abilene, Texas.

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