What Does Romans 8:20 Mean? Creation Subjected to Futility

What does Romans 8:20 mean? In Romans 8:20-21, Paul says, “For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.” What does “creation” mean in this passage? What does it mean that creation was subjected to futility? And what does it mean that creation will be set free from its bondage?

In this Bible study, Wes McAdams and Travis Pauley discuss a listener’s voicemail about Romans 8:20. If you enjoy this Bible study, you might also enjoy some of the other eschatology studies Wes has done. You can find those in the “links and resources” section below.

This episode of the Bible Study Podcast is part of the ongoing, “What Does This Passage Mean?” series. During this series, Wes and various guests will study a different passage of the Bible in context. We will discuss both the meaning and application of some difficult passages of Scripture. If you have a passage you would like for us to discuss, send us a note: RadicallyChristian.com/contact or leave a voicemail at 707-238-2216.

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